All in the Timing

All in the Timing

Upcoming performances

The show has been struck and our actors have taken their final bows.

Thanks for a great run.

All in the Timing
–Theatre PG-13
Say what you want, do what you feel, but in the end, timing is everything.

Timing is everything as David Ives masterfully demonstrates in this compilation of three hilarious one-acts. Sure Thing relives the cringe-worthy moments of a flirtation going nowhere. Fortunately, the would-be lovers get a chance for a ‘redo’ with every ring of a bell. Words, Words, Words reveals what would actually happen if monkeys were left alone for eternity with a typewriter. Is it Shakespeare or an infuriating case of writer’s block? And finally, The Philadelphia cleverly demonstrates how to navigate through a world that presents you with the opposite of what you want. Get ready for a flurry of quick wit, smart dialogue, and fun that truly is all in the timing.

By David Ives
Dominiqu Luecke

Directed by Dominique Luecke

Dustin Luecke
Lucas Wesling
Mary Cate Wesling
Dominique Luecke
Stage Manager
Grace Riness
Technical Director/Set Designer
Peter Suardi
Sound Designer
Ryan Van Berkum